Momfia Cookies!

Okay, y’all… If you’re looking for an amazing tried & true chocolate chip cookie recipe, THIS IS IT! What’s more: I’ve added some awesome ingredients for milk support, so that it’s good for Mama AND baby!

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These cookies are great for encouraging milk production because of the oats(boosts supply), dark chocolate(boosts supply), coconut oil & optional nuts (for good, healthy fat) and the maple syrup (as long as one with milk-encourging Fenugreek, the *natural flavor* many syrups contain, is used- if you’re not looking for helping a nursing mama, these cookies are great with 1 cup granulated & 1 cup brown sugars in place of the maple syrup/regular sugar, too!) If you’re REALLY trying to boost your supply, consider also adding brewer’s yeast & substituting flax seed for eggs. For more information on what’s good/not good to do & eat while nursing, please visit Le Leche League (or find a meeting locally, they are very welcoming & have tons of information and help available). 


You’ll need:

  • 1 stick or 1/2 a cup of Butter or Earth Balance (I like the soy-free best)
  • 1/2 a cup of your shortening of choice: I typically use palm shortening or coconut oil, but you can also use vegetable shortening, too!
  • 2 cups of granulated sugar or coconut sugar (or, try this if you can’t decide!)
  • 1-2 teaspoons Maple Syrup (I use the Madhava brand, because it’s sweetened with agave)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (if you haven’t ever tried this, a little goes a loonnnggg way & you can thank me later)
  • 2 large eggs OR 2 Flax Eggs
  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour(or, you can use 1 cup of oat & 1 cup of almond flour if you’re about that GF life)
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 3/4 tsp. baking powder (yes, they’re different. yes, use both! GF mama’s, be aware that many baking powders are not GF. Also, some baking powders do come into contact with corn which you may be trying to avoid. I did some research, and found this bad boy: Pamela’s Baking Powder, which is certified GF & states corn-free right on the package!)
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 3/4 cups of rolled oats

  • 1 cup of dark chocolate chips {soy-free/dairy-free mamas, the Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips are free of it all, and still delicious! If you’re not a stickler about soy lecithin (which I usually am, because COME ON would it kill them to use sunflower lecithin as an emollient for us soy intolerant people?!), Lily’s are delicious but not soy-free.}

Please, let us know what you think! As always, Mom Famiglia, stay strong & mom on… you’ve got this!

Don’t feel like making your own? Try these delicious little treats:


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Who doesn’t love FREE STUFF!?

Free January & February 2018 Calendar PDF, because I thought it’d be nice to share my personal calendar with all you busy mommies out there- just click the links below to download. I’ll be uploading the other 10, along with some fun organizational & budget documents later this month… Stay tuned!

Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 11.33.54 PMHappiest New Year!
#momfialife #keepcalmandmomon #freemomstuff

January Calendar!

February Calendar!Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 10.36.30 PM

Congratulations, Mama!

Hey, you! Yeah, you. You coffee sippin’, Pinterest posting, organic eating, anti-spanking, GMO-free, “birth story” sharing, target shopping, Tula wearing MOTHER…

You’re right: you’re an awesome mom.

But, sometimes while you’re so focused on your own picture of perfection, you lose sight of an equally important fact… So are your friends who eat/feed their children McDonald’s, don’t plan on following Maria Montessori’s educational method of teaching their kids, who let nannies and daycare workers watch their babies while they work. And, it’s great to gain self interest.. It’s not okay to bully a fragile, hard-working (usually under-appreciated) role model into thinking that their subscription to other ideas and systems is inferior to yours simply because they do things differently.

Motherhood should feel like a family, not a war.

Motherhood is the most incredible journey you’ll ever be lucky enough to experience, it’s scary and exciting, it’s raw & revealing. You go from WHYDIDNTSOMEONEWARNME to OMGIGETITMOMIMSOSORRYILOVEYOU every day of the adventure. Through pregnancy, we all go through the coolest, grossest, scariest, most exciting and worrisome miraculous journey as we watch our little ones make the voyage from a firefly on a dark screen to a silky headed bundle of all your dreams realized- tossed right into your arms, as if you have any idea what you’re doing. And, just like that, they actually trust you with a human. Your own tiny human. So, we all do it: we promise it that we’ll be the best, just for them.

And with that, it begins. Most of us make the same mistake- it’s why mothers of three chuckle when you pass them with a sort of arrogance and love at the same time that makes you unsure if you hate them or want to be their friend? We get it… you plan to change the world with this new responsibility. By the time you’re home from the hospital, you’ve finished the transformation into a full-blown momster. Everyone & everything in and around that kid will be perfect!!…missing the most important part: it already is.

{{There were a million other less favorable outcomes, but you were triumphant- you are lucky.. you are blessed far beyond measure.}}

No matter how you got here, you did it! You successfully brewed a kid. Whether that child has special quirks, or is delayed somehow due to a difficult pregnancy and scary birth, eventually walks with a limp or speaks with a lisp, is allergic to everything and walks around looking sick or eats like a pig and looks like a the Michelin man, can’t see or hear well or at all or is medically sound in every way so far.. You (both) did it, you got here. It’s not your job to change this precious gift into anything not meant to be; it’s your job to nurture, love, encourage & support your little bundle in the best way you can in order for him/her to thrive and fulfill the destiny that’s ahead.

The food you feed it doesn’t matter all that much- boob or bottle, feed that child however it eats best. If he/she poops and pees regularly, you’re doing it right. The clothes they wear won’t make them someone they aren’t meant to be. The school they attend won’t change the capacity they have to learn. The car seat they ride in won’t get them there faster, even if it’s the cutest model. The toys they have won’t make them any more interesting, or dull… but you will.

The greatest job you’ll ever have is to help your baby thrive.

  • Provide them with the best environment you can.
  • Show them love.
  • Guide them to know what’s right.
  • Encourage them to seek truth and always push them to challenge themselves.
  • Let them know you love them in words, and actions, everyday.
  • Lead by example.
  • Never stop caring or trying to be what they need.
  • Always be humble enough to accept that you can’t always fix things.
  • Take peace in that when all else fails, support makes hard times softer.

Most importantly, understand that if you tear down the other mother trees in your little sprout’s environment because you don’t like the view, it will run out of clean air, shelter, and shade that it needs to survive. Love always wins.

And, in doing this together, imagine how great our kids will be: Oh, the places they’ll go! Welcome to the mom familia, the good life: the momfia life. #momfialife 




From the moment that you first found out about the future that’s yet to be, to the sound of their car speeding out of your driveway toward their big dreams… there’s no love truer than a mother’s.

Through thick & thin, you’ll be there. It’s the most beautifully painful, rewardingly heartbreaking, bittersweet experience you’ll ever be privied to be a part of: and you only get one chance.

…A little freaked out?

Don’t be. You’re not alone! Along the way, we met several inspirational, loving, awesome parents that helped teach, nurture and guide us into the journey of motherhood and we formed bonds stronger than any we had before.

We are The Momfia, and we’d love for you to join our momtourage.

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